Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Blogging? (36/90)

Hey y'all. Here's blog post number 36. I can't believe I've made it this far. I have to admit, there have been times where I've wanted to skip a day in writing in this blog. I don't always have the time to write meaningful stories concerning my thoughts about the little things that interest me (I know, I'm such a dork), or about the stuff that happened during my day. But I must keep doing this everyday until I reach 90. I want to become a better writer and the only way that is going to happen is if I write something everyday.

I've thought about continuing my blog after I've made the 90 posts, but I feel that if I do, I'd want to have a theme to it rather than just writing about whatever everyday. Hmm... what WILL my theme be? It's only post number 36 and I'm already wondering about the changes I'm going to make in 44 days. Maybe I shouldn't wait until the 91st day. Maybe I should pick a theme and stick to it as long as I can while still going for the 90 in 90.

What do you guys think? Would you like me to incorporate a different theme into this blog? Or should I keep it about my daily personal thoughts? (I'm assuming some of you care)

Thanks for reading, I know there's like 5 of you readers out there :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Coffee and Cokie (35/90)

So I think I may have overdosed on coffee yesterday. I'm not one to drink coffee, but I thought I'd try it every once in a while so that I could get shit done. Turns out, I did get shit done. Much more than I bargained for, but that's fine by me. I got a head start on tomorrow's homework as well as completed something that I've been meaning to work on since Spring Break. W00t!

Nothing really special happened besides getting work done today so you'll get no interesting tales of my day........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Apparently, punk rock legend, Fat Mike has been getting much attention lately. It seems that he played a show while dressed up as a clown that goes by the name of Cokie the clown (from an EP recorded several months ago). During the show, he recounted several graphic and disturbing stories about his life, and played several songs both previously released and unreleased. He also tricked several members of the audience into drinking his urine mixed with tequila, before showing them a video of himself filling the bottle with urine which shocked many people in the audience. Because of his actions that day, Fat Mike is now banned from a venue in Texas.

I'm not particularly a fan of NOFX, but I do listen to some of their music. While I do respect the fact  that they are one of the most profitable independent, stay out of major record labels bands out there, I do think that their music along with their actions are very immature and very offensive, and not in a good way most of the time. 

If for some reason you are interested in seeing the music video for the song called "Cokie the Clown" then here's a link:

Monday, March 29, 2010

I'm gonna stay young until I die! (34/90)

"The only thing more overrated than childbirth is the joy of owning your own business." --MT Cup

I stopped by the MT cup today to grab a vanilla mocha. I felt like I needed something to keep me alive as I planned to get a lot of homework done. Now I have a headache for some reason and don't really feel like doing my homework right now T__T.

Some time ago, I remember that I had this saying, "If you don't use your energy for positively, your energy will turn into negative energy." I think that's what's happening right here. I'm spending way too much time thinking over the situation and thinking ways in which I will mess up or ways in which would be really awesome. But with all of this thinking, I'm not getting anything done. Maybe I have something that's bothering me, something deep inside of me that's afraid to let me go, something that does not want me to progress.

Maybe it's something completely different. My mom once said that I try to do too many things at once. That the stress of trying to get too many things at once is the reason why I get all of these headaches. She says that I'm too ambitious and that I should slow down and live a simpler life. I don't want that, mom. I've spent way too long being locked up and now that I'm free to do whatever I want, I want to make sure that I achieve as much as possible before I die.

So now, I must make this decision. To turn away from all of these horrible thoughts and to keep a positive lifestyle going. I don't care what anyone says about me anymore. I'm not letting anything slow me down. I'm gonna keep fighting for my own goals.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Playing with legos may become some sort of hobby for me (33/90)

Well, I have started another challenge for myself. This challenge calls me to spend at least half an hour of at least 5 days out of the week building something with legos. The purpose for this challenge is to help me get a better sense as to how lego pieces are used. I need this skill to help me make models as examples for my website. In order for me to get people to come to my website and contribute on the site, I have to start showing examples to pave the way for those who don't know what they are doing (which I assume will be 95% of the people who check the site out). 

I also may as well make some more videos to show and tell some creations and to let people know what I'll be looking for when people start submitting their own creations.

I know I'm being kinda vague as to the actual purpose of my site here, but I'd rather not share much information until I "officially" get the site up and running.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

And now for something a little different... or so it seems (32/90)

Highlights of my day include the following:
Getting my ass out of bed
Waiting outside the Atrium
Waiting for Shaun 
Hanging out at a meeting
Playing computer games
Coming home at around 2am

Trust me, the highlights of my day are better than they sound.

Ass getting out of bed. I didn't want to get up today, actually. I wanted to stay asleep and continue dreaming that peaceful dream. But I didn't. Somewhere along the way, I said "You know what? Fuck that." And then got up. This may not seem very impressive to you, but I seriously thought I was going to pass out during the day if I did not get at least 6 hours of sleep.

Waiting outside the Atrium for a shuttle bus turned out to be a good idea for me. Even though I'm playing Humans versus Zombies and you shouldn't give your location away to zombies if you're human, I didn't care. You may almost call it awesome, but I didn't see a single zombie while I happened to be waiting. What I did see (for the first time in months), is my old roommate, Bob. I actually meant to visit him the other day because someone had advised me to, along with other visits I should make :/  Although we only said like 1 sentence to each other, I'm going to count that as a visit seeing as I'll probably never truly hang out with him again. I know it's weird saying that, but I just see way too many barriers between us.

Work. How can I describe how awesome it was? I really can't. Let's just say martial arts, random dancing, a pogo stick, and a FFFFFFFFF moment was involved. Pretty strange considering that I worked a place that makes italian food, huh?

Waiting for Shaun. T___T Waiting for Shaun. This is a highlight only because this delay got me out of being embarrassed because I missed a meeting where someone was going to expose her fanfiction which apparently involved me being gay with a friend of mine. Yuck. What the hell do girls think of me? Seriously, I just don't get it sometimes.

Hanging out and playing computer games go in the same boat. At least for today they did. Today was the first day the Student Center's Gaming lab was open. The Gaming lab is basically like a computer lab, but the computers there are meant for people to play PC games on them. The lab is open every Friday and Saturday from 5pm to 2am. Two words come to mind when describing the gaming lab: LAN party!

And that's just what we did....

Friday, March 26, 2010

Dude. Good shit is happening. (31/90)

I read two awesome articles today. Fortunately for me, one of them mostly centered around a video which was easy on the eyes. I've been reading and staying up too late this whole week so my eyes have been really exhausted making it really hard for me to focus during the day. But whatever. Let's get cracking!

First up, we have the Wizard's trailer from the upcoming game by Blizzard called Diablo 3. Oh my goddess! A couple of friends and I have been looking forward to this game for a while now. I remember those real "nerdy" Tuesdays we used to have last year where everyone would gather around with their laptops. I also remember how we used to annoy Eric's roommate because we'd start shouting random stuff like "Pin him down while I cast my spells!" or "Healer! Where the hell are you!" at like around midnight. Ah, good times. Well anyways, back to the trailer. May I say that the wizard in that game looks insanely ridiculously awesome!? The trailer showed her casting spells left and right and blowing away all sorts of surrounding enemies. She looks like a power house.... just like in Diablo 2. Hmm. I guess nothing much has changed after all. Oh well, I know who'll be getting all of the mana potions now. [insert smiley face]

And lastly, we have the preview I read to the upcoming sequel of one of the greatest Sonic games to have ever been created: Sonic 3 & Knuckles (fuck yeah, expansion). Sonic 4 is what they are called the upcoming game and it's supposed to feature the old gameplay style of Sonic the Hedgehog. So now new Sonic fans will get to see the true glory that is 2D sidescrolling, fast paced, sega genesis gameplay, or at least I hope so. I guess they are also returning to old cliche of using (something tropical) hill zone as the first zone in the game, but eh, I'm not complaining. I sometimes shout "Green Hill Zone Act1!" when starting a new Sonic game anyways just to get that nostalgic feeling. It's a habit I'm not willing to break. Ever.

Oh. I almost forgot to mention....
The Zombie Apocalypse has started! Happy hunting, [insert word that will offend Sam]

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Health health health me! (30/90)

I was reading through Obama's new health care plan because there's so much controversy over it (Well, I read over a summary, the actual thing is over 2,000 pages). It's supposed to lay it down plain and simple. Like "You're all getting health insurance." Yeah, that simple. Nice isn't it?

Well, apparently, the republicans didn't like the plan because they started threatening some democrats including some death threats towards some democratic families. Sheesh! Why don't you just talk about it? I mean, you guys ARE politicians, right? Some republicans did, however, speak out against the law which seemed really idiotic at first, but then when I looked over the bill, I had some second thoughts...

First of all, the plan calls out for everyone in the U.S. to have health insurance. I know, I know, it's what everyone wants, but what about the families who can't afford health insurance? This health care isn't free and what's worse is that people are being forced to get it! How do you live in a nation where the government forces you to pay more than what you can earn in a given amount of time?

Also, the bill lets all non-US citizens get free healthcare, whether they're illegal or not. You know what would also be nice? If that also applied to those who can't get a job or to those who are in need due to disabilities. But it doesn't. I guess the government is more concerned about having a good image than actually helping its own citizens who are in need.

One more thing. This bill calls out for all private healthcare plans to conform to government rules. I don't know why I have a problem with this considering I don't know anyone with a private healthcare plan. But this kind of concerns me because with the government making all of the rules considering healthcare in this country, I can only imagine that something can go horribly wrong.

I do have to say, though, the bill does seem like it has a lot of potential to do good in this country. One of the good things it does is organize the healthcare system better. I expect that transactions will be much easier in hospitals and other similar areas. I can only hope that we can learn quickly from our mistakes, if something does go horribly wrong....

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Technology? What's that? (29/90)

Ok guys. I'm gonna make this quick.... or not. I don't know, I'm having trouble thinking straight at the moment. I'm also feeling really uncomfortable. It's just one of those days, I guess. I guess it's because I really haven't had a chance to "think" lately. I've been putting way too much of my effort into getting my work done, that I feel that I haven't made any progress in my personal life. The only real thing that I've done this week (that I feel proud of) is upload a video of myself on youtube. Uh. Not that I'll let you guys see it anyways.... I mean it's awful. Oh very horrible. I'm gonna add to that video anyways as.... well... I'll tell you about it later.

I was messing around with this plugin for my website earlier (that's how learn how to use technology, you play with it) and I spent two hours just trying to get the thing to let me post stuff to my own website. Err wait, that sounds weird, what I meant was that I was trying to get the plugin to work so that other people would be able to post content to my website. I made some test runs and it now works! Ha! Now let's see if I impress someone tomorrow (looks over at his classmates).

Is that good enough? Am I doing good? Yeah? Seriously? Are you sure? I'll try harder next time.....

Peace? Ya, kids.....

Monday, March 22, 2010

If I had 1 million dollars.... (28/90)

During Japanese today, we were learning how to say "If we did/had this....we could do this.." (but in Japanese). It turned out to be a hilarious lesson for us 202 kids as Ishiyama, aka Rock Mountain, decided to partner us up with our neighbors to practice. When we got to an example in the textbook that asked us what we would do if we were to get married, this one girl responded "If I got married, I would be bored." Everyone in the class started laughing and Ishiyama, aka Rock Mountain, was all "Whoa, that's a little offensive don't you think?" (Somewhere in my head, there is a little counter that went +1 to number of sluts in this world) There was another question that asked us what we would do if we had 1 million dollars. Of course, Ishiyama's, aka Rock Mountain, example was something innocent like "If I had 1 million dollars, I would be happy." Lame. Well anyways, Ishiyama, aka Rock Mountain, called on the fattest kid in the class to answer this question (sorry dude, I don't know your name. I also apologize for the fat joke). The kid responded, "If I had 1 million dollars, I would be a dancer." It was at this moment that Ishiyama's, aka Rock Mountain, jaw dropped. I wish I had taken a picture or something because that expression on his face was priceless. I could only imagine what sick, perverted... umm, wait no...horrifying, eye bleeding thoughts that Ishiyama, aka Rock Mountain, had. He looked like he was going to faint for a second.

Oh. And I want to thank Yogurt, Marlee, Amanda, Kyle, and Evie for making my day meaningful. You know what you did :)
Other than classes and hanging out with those people for a while, I literally spent the rest of the day staring at my laptop screen writing my paper. My eyes hurt like a bitch right now.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Catch up (27/90)

I don't know what's been going on with me lately. It seems like I haven't put enough effort in my schoolwork. I've been distracted for way too long. Set things aside for too long. And now, I'm starting to feel the pressure. This weekend I made an important decision. I have decided to not attend any club meetings until I have caught up with my school work. I figure that this is a reasonable goal because most of the time, the reason I never get things done is because I have club meetings that get in the way. Well, not anymore. I'm putting work before social time now. I'm sorry friends. I'm sorry people. I'm sorry Abraham.

Saturdays equal party time? (26/90)

Whoa. I went to this wicked awesome concert today. Three bands played. Joel Levi, Holy Ghost Cannon, and the Bonesetters. They were all pretty good, but I thought the Bonesetters were the best. They had the most upbeat music out of the bands that played there. Plus, I really liked the way the bass player laid out a lot of the rhythms. As a dude who studies/practices (rarely ;__;) the bass, I pay attention to that. Holy Ghost Cannon and Joel Levi also had bass players, but they were horrible and unheard, especially Holy Ghost Cannon. In the end, I ended up only dancing to the Bonesetters songs because of that.

It's sad that no one decided to tag along, though. I had to dance by myself. However, I did talk to some people, like the guitarist/singer from Holy Ghost Cannon and Tristan, the bassist for Valdez Horses (a band I shouldn't mention here since they aren't complete at the moment). I also saw this girl from my Intro to Social Media class, Rachel. I kind of stayed away from her because she never smiles. She didn't really look like she was having fun either (but her friend was having a blast XD).

When the concert ended, I hit the Student Center because Late Night (fuck yeah), but I saw no one there. It was horrible. Where are you friends when I need you? I managed to spot Ashleigh, who was hanging out with a group of friends. We had a nice chat for a while. Then I decided to go get pancakes. I told her I was coming back, but when I came back she and her group of friends left. So then I went home.

At home, I patiently awaited James and Leslie so that we could play the epicness that is the Street Fighter D10 RPG. Even though we played for about 3 hours, we mostly talked about random stuff and didn't progress much in the story. This wasn't a good session for me anyways as I failed almost all of my rolls.

Hmmm.... I need a catchphrase....

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Dear my good friends, Thank you for your awesomeness XD (25/90)

Oh man. Where to start? Work was so crazy today. My coworkers probably think I'm insane now. I told them so much stuff I shouldn't have, but I couldn't resist for some reason. I don't remember all of the details, but I'll tell you all I can remember.

There was a new girl working at Dellacasa today. She started talking to me for some reason. I don't know how our conversation began, but I started telling her about how I met some of my friends here on Ball State. I told her how I met Eric during a Rock Band tournament I went to during my freshman year here in Ball State. In order to participate in the tournament, you had to get 4 people together to create a band so I somehow got paired up with these people and one of them happened to be Eric. It was funny because only one of the people in our group had played Rock Band before so 3 of us had no experience whatsoever with this game and we were about to join a tournament and play the game on the hardest difficulty. You are going to laugh right here. We failed in less than 30 seconds after the song started. We were so horrible. (Our band name was The Fire Extinguishers by the way.) A week later, I was hanging out with James in his room in Noyer and I happened to spot Eric on James's hallway. We talked for a little while about our interests in video games and have hung out ever since.

 I also told her how I met Samantha. In my opinion, she is still the most outgoing first year here in Ball State. Seriously, the first time we hung out was because I was talking to another friend about how we were going to do something after Club Japan and she was like "Hey dudes! That sounds like fun! Mind if I come along!" At first, I looked at her weird because this was something I would never expect from a girl. Most girls are kind of drawn back and in order to get them to hang out with you, you have to take the initiative. But not Sam. She's different. She could've been smoking a cigarette, be leaning up against a wall, and be saying something like "Yo, I'm tagging along, k? Good." and it still would've came out in the same way. She even joined HvZ that semester which is something most girlie girls are too afraid to do. Way to go, Sam.

I also talked to this other girl (I should definitely start learning my coworker's names). She was trying to convince me to take her shift on Sunday. I tried to tell her about the kinds of things I do on Sundays, but I think all that she got out of it was that I'm insane. She was literally almost yelling "You're crazy! You're out of your mind. You don't really do those things, right!?" The first thing I told her was that I always have some friends over on Sundays because they end up staying the night due to playing video games from the day before. I told her that we play D&D when we wake up until around 6 o'clock (We really don't play D&D. We play besm but I didn't feel like explaining that to her.). I also told her about anime club and how we spend almost 4 hours watching anime and being mind fucked by Leslie's slides. So then after I finished explaining, I said "So yeah, I really don't have time to take your shift on Sunday...."

Friday, March 19, 2010

On this nice Thursday afternoon, I was legos (24/90)

Heh heh heeh. I woke up late today. Like so late that I missed my first class and was late for work. I guess all these days of sleep deprivation really got to me. I tried to make it the most of my day, but ended up playing around for most of it. Heh ^ ^; I really should stop doing that and actually get to my school work. I only really got two things done today. My Computer Science homework and I sorted my legos (sort of).

Actually, when I think about it, I really didn't have a lot of free time today. From the time that I woke up, I spent my day around the campus for around 3pm before coming home. When I got home, I took my disgusting work pants off and took a nice relaxing shower before deciding to make food. After I ate, it was already 4 o'clock and that is when I started doing my Computer Science homework/catching up on the internet. By the time I got done, it was already 5:30ish and Eric had to go to work. I spent the next two hours trying to separate my megablocks and my legos. It was horrible. I actually have a lot of megablocks. Why did I bring so many megablocks to white mesa?

After finishing sorting them, I had to make a mad dash to Comic book club. Comic book club was awesome. I wonder why nobody wants to come. Seriously, all we do is read comic books and watch old nostalgic cartoons featuring comic book heroes. Who wouldn't want to spend an hour of their day doing that? This time we watched the live action show with the Tick in it. Yeah, I know, it's not a cartoon but whatever. The club is pretty lenient and they now encourage people to read online webcomics.

I met Jaquelin's brother Colon today, he was pretty awesome. He came to visit his sister for a couple of days and I'll probably see him tomorrow. From the moment I walked home (at 10pm), Colon, Jaquelin, Shaun, and I went to my room and played with my legos. And a little later, Eric came in. We had a nice little chat for about an hour before they had to leave. It was fun. Apparently, Jaquelin told him that I was gay because of what she saw on my calendar (wtf?). I have a Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog calendar and Captain Hammer was this month's picture. Apparently, Jackie thought I was into strong, muscular guys (DDDD:). I really don't like how Jaquelin makes all of these assumptions of people. She's usually wrong and offends people (like me just there). But on top of all that, she's fun to hang out with.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Gah! My Brain hurts! (23/90)

I went to the Art Museum for the first time since I started my life as a BSU student. I felt really dumb because I had to use a map to get there. I walked by so many classrooms multiple times that I'm sure somebody noticed I was lost. I saw Tyler Trosper in one of those classes too. From what I saw, it seems that he is the type of student who usually sits in the very front (That's now my impression of you, Tyler XD.). I also snuck up on him later that day in the library. I caught him hanging around his usual area on the second floor so I thought I'd stop and say hi.

Ooops, I got off track there. Back to the part where I went to the Art Museum. I found it to be a very interesting visit. Everything was perfectly aligned and sparkly clean (OCDOCDOCD!!!!). My goal during the visit was to gather information about certain works of art for the paper I'm supposed to write for my Intro to Art class. I did some intense speculation and cited the minor-est of details. One thing that totally bothered me, though. The people that were working there kept following me around. I'm sure it's for security purposes and whatnot, but I felt very uncomfortable because they were "watching my every move." I felt very awkward writing down some notes on the floor and looking at objects at many different angles. I would really hate to work there. It's so quiet all of the time and the only thing you do is walk around art galleries which would seem interesting at first, but then bleh.

What else can I say? Oh yeah. I pretty much spent the rest of the day playing Mother 3. I really got so hooked onto that game. It's got one of the most interesting storylines of any game I've played. It starts with 3 chapters of prologue featuring the different points of view of some of the main characters. Every character you play has an important role in the plot. What's more is that they have managed to somehow coordinate each of the character's behaviors (every person in the game O_O) to a point that you could probably identify them even more so than other games that feature high definition cut scenes. Considering that the characters are basically sprites, this is quite an achievement.

One thing that I do have to point out about this game is that it WAS NEVER RELEASED OUTSIDE OF JAPAN. Which is sad, because people here in the United States will never get to see its glory. Although, playing through 4 chapters in the game, I understand why they wouldn't want to release it outside of Japan. There are some parts in the game that would offend a lot of us westerners. For example, there's a part where you get into a hot spring with a transvestite and he holds your head under the water for a couple of seconds. When my friend was watching me play behind my back, he thought it was a sex scene.Considering how 4kids almost never shows an episode of anything dealing with hot springs, I would think that is one of the reasons why Nintendo never released it outside of Japan. Another reason that I think this game was never released outside of Japan is that the game started out as a terrible tragedy and playing through it, I feel like this would produce an intense emotional response among players to a point that it creates some sort of controversy considering Nintendo's reputation of "rated E for everyone."

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

All out of Energy? (22/90)

I woke up in a chair today. Heh, how many people do you know who can say that? Oh well. Actually, I spent the night at a friend's dorm room because I stayed at Botswin way too late and didn't have the energy to walk home. I gotta say, out of all of the times I've slept on that chair, Lou, I think this was by far, the most unpleasant time. I don't know why, but I just couldn't fall asleep. I kept shuffling through many different positions and I somehow settled on one. I only slept for 3 hours and had to leave before you guys woke up. But thanks anyways.

The morning was pretty ok for me. For some reason, I felt like I was full of energy. It felt great. I thought the day would go by so well until about noon when my body started giving out. After my shift at Dellacasa, I had to get an energy drink on the way out. That turned out to be a waste because I slept through half of the lecture of my Computer Science class. Goddess damnit! I later learned that the lecture wasn't all that important anyways and that we would talk more about it on Thursday (saved!). Also, I think that nap miraculously revived me back to full awake mode. Seriously, throughout the rest of the day, I didn't get sleepy once, not even for a little bit. 

After my Computer Science class, I had another shift at Woodworth (D:). I worked at a station called Woody's Grill. In my mind, I call it McWoody's Grill because it's basically like working at McDonald's only less complicated. We only have 5 things on our menu: Hot Dogs, Fries, Chicken Strips, Hamburgers, and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. The shift there is ultra easy and ultra repetitive. Every time I work there, it feels exactly like the previous time. The only thing that seems to change is the people that I see there. I don't know if you guys know already, but I always look forward to seeing friends when I work. If you see me, please don't ignore me. That pisses me off.

The only other highlights of the day include the fashion show meeting and playing pool with my friends, Alex, Kyle, and Sam. The fashion show went really great and I think Alex did a good job as the spokesperson. He really got things moving. Maybe we'll get done with the whole planning process by next week. One thing I do want to mention is how some people commented on the clothes I wore to the meeting. They said that I looked stylish and that I should post that style to lookbook. I kinda laughed at those comments because I was just wearing some normal clothes. I guess people don't see a lot of plaid shorts these days. 

Oh yeah, playing pool was fun. We only played one round and I totally botched it by getting a scratch while attempting to get the black 8 ball into the socket. Oh well, one memorable thing came with that game. "Everyday I'm hustling because I'm G-force." I have no idea how to explain it other than it started because I misheard something Kyle said. We started laughing hysterically because we kept repeating it over and over again. I hope it becomes a meme someday.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I hate Mondays..... NOT! (21/90)

Man. Today was weird. But it's ok, because weird is always good in my book. I had a Tomizawa sensei teach our Japanese class instead of the usual Ishiyama, aka Rock Mountain. I thought it was amazing because I prefer having Tomizawa anyways. Tomizawa is so much more enthusiastic and gives you random facts about Japan which always interest me. He always makes learning Kanji so interesting too by telling us how each kanji originated. Today, he taught us how to write the kanji version of 'ninja' which comes from two kanji characters meaning 'secret service.' Take that Ishiyama, aka Rock Mountain. Ha! 

After Japanese, I had Intro to Art, which is by far my least favorite class. The teacher is a total bitch and she can't teach properly most days. She's really boring too. I seriously don't see how anyone learns anything in that class. I only go to that class because I never bought the book for that class and because it takes place between two of my classes. But to my surprise, I am really glad to say that today was the first time I enjoyed that class. I don't know what happened to the teacher over Spring Break, but she's totally changed her teaching method. I hope she keeps this up, because I really really really hate hate hate her old teaching method.

Monday also means AASA (Asian American Student Association) club. Today we talked about Robots and technology. AWESOME! We learned about robots who will eventually replace soldiers in combat and taxi drivers. At first, it seemed pretty awesome, but then we talked about the whole robots replacing humans and that kinda scared people. After that, we talked about cellphones from Japan which are far more advanced than here in the US. Seriously, they are basically like laptops almost. They even replace credit cards and tickets now. 

After the AASA meeting, the club went to eat at the Retreat which is an all-you-can-eat buffet at the price of a dinner meal plan ($7.55). I had a real nice chat with some friends that lasted about an hour and a half. I think we were being real loud too, because I could tell that people were occasionally staring at us. That or our conversations were so much better than everyone else's. 

So after we left the retreat, we went outside where we met some more people. And then the conversation went on. XD I left the group with Sam and Kyle to head over to Botswin where I attended another meeting. Sam went to CVS and Kyle went....home, I guess. Idk. Anyways, the meeting in Botswin was about Asian food that the building was planning to serve for a special 'Asian Day.' I was basically there to give out suggestions about which foods to make. Cool, huh? Oh, and I can't forget about the great contributions Megan and Desiree gave. They helped out way more than I did. 

Once the meeting ended, I decided to hang out with my friends Lou, JP, and Matt since they live in Botswin. I kinda did my homework while Lou played Soul Silver and I don't remember what JP and Matt were doing. Once I finished my homework, me and Matt went upstairs to his room and played Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. I gotta say, we pretty much failed every single mission we tried. No joke. We sucked DDDD: 

(I guess it didn't help that we played on the highest difficulty, but still.... FFFFFUUUUUUCK)

That's all for today.
Peace to ya, kids.

Monday, March 15, 2010


For some reason, today felt very uneventful. Even though I got Heart Gold for my brother, got reacquainted with a few friends, played a fair amount of video games, and managed to get people together to play besm (a roleplaying game) I felt a little let down. I felt as though I could have accomplished way more than what I did. I don't think that it was a failure, just that it could have been a lot better. Today was full of delays; delays that wasted too much of my time.

So that's it for now. I don't feel like saying anything. I want to go to sleep and I hate you daylight savings time.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Last day of Spring Break. (19/90)

So this is my last day of Spring Break. Tomorrow I go back to Muncie and go back to the college life. I have to say, this Spring Break was very fulfilling for me. I got so many things done and slept well every day.

So today, I finished the vest I've been working on (and off) for the past three days. My mom helped me with the sowing part and I did the cutting. I hope my friends like it as much as I do. Especially Sam because I've been telling her about it for a couple of months now. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I bought an ivy cap to match the vest off of ebay. I'll be sure to bring it to Muncie to show you guys, ok?

Today is also the day we celebrated my cousin's birthday (which happened to be on Feb. 18th). I'm not going to go much into detail because all we did was have a Halo/Left4Dead LAN party. It was pretty fun and some of his friends came over too. Actually, the LAN party is still going. So I'm gonna go back to playing Halo 3: ODST.

Peace to ya, kids

EDIT: My cousin pointed out to me that that day was not the day they were celebrating his birthday. He said that his real birthday party was going to be the following week and that was just a party for me since I was leaving for college the day afterwards.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

[insert obligatory statement regarding matters that interest you] (18/90)

[A gesture of greeting]

[an intuitive response concerning the status of today's wellbeing]

[an enthusiastic comment regarding a show that was viewed during brunch]

[a statement concerning the progress of a certain project]

[an opposing argument concerning a recurring manifesto]

[an assumption indicating the current status of several people]

[an expression of cachinnation indicating regret of said assumptions]

[a quotation from a book in regards to the importance of convergence in today's technology]

[a response to said quotation in a manner of self imposed judgement]

[a moment of silence]

[a gesture of joy concerning a future addition to a home known as white mesa]

[another gesture of joy from said addition due to personal convenience matters]

[an exciting tale of a match that was played via LAN connection with another person]

[a statement regarding tomorrow's activities]

[a gesture of valediction]

Friday, March 12, 2010

Re: Letter (17/90)

Dear Uncle Jose,

It's very nice to hear from you again. I've been living in a house some friends and I decided to rent while we went to college so I don't know how many letters you've sent that I haven't opened yet (heh, whoops). Actually, your letter arrived at a good time because not too long after it arrived I came back home to my parent's house for Spring Break. I really liked the picture you drew for me. She's really pretty. There's so much detail especially in the hair and clothes. I'm looking forward to your comic book drawings.

I have to say, college is pretty hectic for me. There's so much that I want to do, that I have such a small amount of time dedicated to myself, it seems. Besides my classes and homework, much of my time is taken by my current job at a dining place on campus and by the clubs I've joined. I don't mind the hectic schedule too much and I always try to make the best of it by meeting new people and trying new things. In your letter you asked me what I am studying. Well, right now, I'm studying Japanese and soon I'll be starting a program in Architecture. I'm not really sure what I plan to do after college, but I figure I'll have a lot of options with both Japanese and Architecture as majors. 

Unfortunately, I don't have a girlfriend at the moment. I've been kind of shying away from that. I feel like there's so much going on and so many things that I've become a part of that I wouldn't possibly be able give her the amount of attention she deserves. What's more is that I've made so many friends for the first time in my life that I don't want to shun them away to spend time with her. I know it seems silly, but in college you can't really have both. It's just too hard. I know so many people that I don't see anymore because they spend so much time with their significant other. It's just sad.

I'm very sorry to hear about your current situation concerning the prison. To me, it seems that they put so much effort into getting people into prison and not enough effort in keeping their prisoners safe. There's some pretty ridiculous stories out there about people getting thrown into prison. Just the other day, I read an article about some guy who got arrested because he was carrying the liquid remains of his son (who had passed away 5-6 years ago) in his backpack. He was charged for "abandonment of a corpse" which to me seems pretty unreasonable since the guy was carrying around only the liquid portions. 

Well anywho, I know you'll keep fighting. Like you said, us falcons aren't ordinary human beings. We are capable of much more than we are credited for. I'm taking your word for it. I will also pass on my inspiration to other people as well as receive it. I will continue to "shock the world." 

Until then, don't give up. Live your life to the fullest. You only get one try....

Your dearest nephew,

Oh. You wanted my cellphone number? Here you go. 547-584-5626
Hope to hear from you.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Twee? (16/90)

Wow, the days are starting to blur together now. Since I haven't interacted with many people these past few days, I'm starting to lose my train of thought. Hmmm... no, I think it's the music I'm listening to right now. Ever since I started listening to this genre of music called "twee pop," I've started going into this state similar to being high or daydreaming from time to time. I really can't explain the real sensation behind it. It's more like flying above the clouds and being warm next to someone you really love. It's definitely a different feeling than when I'm listening to punk rock music which gets me really hyped up with it's fast pace, it's sometimes catchy and sometimes separatist lyrics. You know what's weird? Twee pop came from punk rock. That's right. WTF? I'm not really sure how it happened but somehow, somewhere punk rock evolved into this genre concerned with childish, innocent, lovey dovey songs. I'm not complaining though. I really like both genres.

For a while, I got really into the whole "culture" behind twee pop and started looking into some of the fashion behind twee. I have to say, that's the #1 reason why I got into fashion all of a sudden. Nobody has asked me why I've gotten into fashion yet, but I figure I'd answer it anyways. Twee girls! They're cute. They follow a DIY ethic. And they follow an almost unheard of subculture. Seriously? Have you heard of Twee? No? I thought so. Anyways, three things come to mind when describing twee fashion: cute, light colored, and DIY clothing.

If you've never heard of "twee pop," it's kind of like Indie pop. Not too different. But like I said, the lyrics tend to be so innocent and said in a soft undertone that the experience differs quite a bit. Try listening to The Friendly Fires and then to Belle And Sebastian. You'll understand what I'm talking about.

And so I go back to my daydreaming..... :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Should I aim to be a Brickmaster? (15/90)

So you know what came in the mail today? This awesomeness. :D Words cannot begin to describe this nostalgic feeling that I got when I took the pieces out of a box. It's like being ten at Christmas time. But way better. Oh so much better (This lego set > Ninja Turtle action figures). What really took me as a surprise was that the box said "Ages 16+." I was not aware that they made lego sets specifically for the older generation (like myself T^T). I've been getting lego magazines for years (and still do for some reason) and believe me, they don't advertise stuff like this very often. They may show up once or twice, but that's it. Cheaper, kiddy stuff stays and some of them even get their own comic series (Star Wars, Bionicles, Batman, etc).

So is there a reason why someone like me is still playing with legos?
I can answer this question in two ways. The more "professional" way of putting it would be that I'm doing this for a website I'm doing where I'll be promoting the use of legos in architectural models. I initially to make my website revolved around people's hobbies, but then decided that if I'm going to reach out to an audience, I would want this audience to be more specialized in a certain type of hobby. So I chose legos. I'm hoping that my website will gather other Architects, Interior Designers, or even lego enthusiasts.

The second way to answer this question is... well... during my grade school days, I really didn't have any friends so I really didn't have any other hobbies besides playing video games. When I got to a point where I didn't want to play video games, the only thing I had left was my lego toys. Even if it was only for a little while, I did create some memories with my legos and even after years have passed, I can still look back at them and remember all these crazy scenarios I created.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Lame (14/90)

Today started horribly. I did not look forward to getting out of my bed today. Not because I didn't have anything to do, but because for some reason, this queen size bed is too comfortable. I've become so accustomed to sleeping in a twin bed at White Mesa that having so much extra space in a bed has given me a reason to shuffle around my blankets for about two hours before actually getting out of bed. What's more is that I miss my dreams when I wake up. It's like watching an episode with a cliffhanger at the end. You feel like you must see the scenario to the very end. And that's how I feel about all of my dreams. But alas, we must bid farewell to those wonderful hallucinations in our minds and return to the "real world."

Also, damnit. Fucking shit paste. (brb, gonna go yell at random things.) RAGE!!!! Okay. I'm done. It turns out that the [][][][][][][]'s battery for my PSP died. That means that I can't unbrick my cousin's PSP. I spent nearly 3 hours searching on the internet for some way to charge it, but every possible suggestion failed me. And I don't want to buy another battery because I've already bought two! FFFFFFF!!!! So I guess I'm going to return my cousin's PSP without actually modding it like I said I would. I hope he doesn't mind. The only thing good that came out of that was that he let me borrow God of War. (Thanks Kyle! It's an awesome game so far. I decided to give it to my cousin for his birthday, btw)

Here's hoping to a better tomorrow!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Enter the David (13/90)

Woke up at around noon. Heh. David is raiding my room. Whoa! What? David is raiding my room!? Get out of here you little kid! (In case you don't know, David is my little two-year old toddler of a brother. He doesn't know how to sit still for very long, unfortunately.) Ugh. I get out of bed and carry him over to the living room to where my mom is. I now have a very messy room to clean up. Okay. Done. All he did was tip over a basket of clothes and unplug a few things. Oh well. So I went to the living room and got out some toys so that I could play with little David, but to my dismay, David only knows how to throw toys and take them apart. After about half an hour, I give up trying to play with him because obviously I'm not having any fun. Good timing too because his favorite show just started. Handy Manny. Hee hee hee. Ahahaha! XDDDDDDDDD. For a kid that only knows how to unfix things, his favorite show happens to be about someone fixing things.

Alright, now that he's distracted, I can play my PSP (Apparently, James thinks those don't exist anymore). As I prepare to battle an army of samurai warriors in the game, I notice David sitting on the couch with his little face towards the television screen. Oh how such a kid can be tamed by such an invention like the television. I then realize, that I too have been tamed by such technologies. I spend so much time in front of some sort of televised screen that my days seem almost incomplete if I don't have one. I've been raised in an internet generation and lived by the many game consoles that have come and gone. Most of what I know is dependent on some kind of technology... I can tell my mind is beginning to wander off.....

So let's cut back to David who has now finished watching his Handy Manny episode. This look in his eyes as he shifts his attention to me is almost astonishing. I know there is some evil in this little beast. I just know it. I can hear the heavy drums playing as he makes his way over to me. I look down at him. He looks up at me. I see that little smile of his. What is he thinking? Grrrr.

Well it turns out, he just wanted to be carried for a while. Ha. He's such a funny kid. I do what he wants and play with him some more.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

A letter from my uncle... (12/90)

Dear Nephew, Abraham
First off all, I want to apologize for the delay in sending you your b-day card. I was really backed up in filing some legal work and nearly forgot. Here with this letter I'm sending it. Hope you like it. I wanted to do a gothic girl for you, but could not find any good patterns.
I've been working on some other drawings too, but I'll send them to you guys when I complete them all. They're more comic book stuff though. Fitted for the Icemen strip. I got some more writings for you guys as well, but I'll send them later okay.
Well, how have things been over in the university? How has advanced education been? I bet at times mind-blowing, huh? I'm glad you are enjoying it and are making the best of it. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you got a lot of people depending on you. And always bear in mind that there will be nothing placed before you that you will not be able to overcome.
I've been making a lot of efforts towards gaining my freedom and getting out of prison. Lately, I've been like in a state of Limbo. I even cut down on my reading. Stopped drinking coffee. Even slowed down in my writing and drawing. I wanna start getting subscriptions to magazines for the meantime, but not sure which ones to get. I wanna write out a complaint about the way we are treated in here but I get stuck without words. My cell is cold, the sink and shower water is cold, mail is slow, I cannot watch TV, or listen to "my" radio. The food we are served is either cold, badly cooked, or not enough. The staff are very un-professional and yet it is we the prisoners who are the criminals. So you see my situation? That's what Limbo feels like.
Good thing that us falcons are not ordinary human beings. That we are made of finer soil. Still, we are not meant to be caged up, a falcon deserves to be free, allowed to roam the skies... and I deserve to be free too. I don't deserve to be in prison. Only time will tell. Let Fate take its course.
Until then I will stay strong. Keep my faith in you guys, and never give up. I will continue to be inspired beyond all others if only to inspire others, especially you and your brother.
Anyhow, you still haven't told me what you are studying, or what you plan to do when you finish school. Do you have a girlfriend? Or girlfriends? Believe me, I know the situation, we both come from the same breed. It's hard to have "one" girl only. But so long as you treat them like ladies then everything will be fine. That's all that really matters. That's what counts. Ok then Abraham, this much I will say for now. Stay dedicated, keep studying hard, and "shock the world."

Greatest Esteem
And Affection,
Your Uncle,

Back to my carefree days.... (11/90)

W00T! I'm back in Elkhart! All I can say is that.... "I have no idea what I'm doing tomorrow!" Man, I love that feeling. Back in college, my days for each week are pretty much set. You don't believe me? Let's see:

Sunday - people come over to hang out. besm rpg. anime club, study
Monday - classes, AASA club, dinner with friends, study
Tuesday - class, work, class, work, rest, fashion show meeting, study
Wednesday - classes, free time, club japan, rest
Thursdays - classes, work, classes, study, comic book club, rest
Friday - class, work, cook good meal, manager's meeting, friday night films
Saturday - work, free time, Late Night, Street Fighter rpg

And it repeats over and over again. Every day is different and a lot of times random stuff comes up (like eating out at 1am), but that's pretty much a layout of how my weeks go. But that doesn't matter anymore. Or at least not during my Spring Break.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Damn you Radio (10/90)

You know, I hate people who say they like a band and then only listen to one of their songs. My aunt Mary does that with Social Distortion. She says Social D is her favorite band in the whole wide world, but only because of Ball and Chain. I'm not even sure she knows a title of one of their albums. I don't mean to get all pissy but it just bothers me how people can listen to just one song over and over again. It's like beating the same video game multiple times. Sure it's fun, but there's a point where you have to draw the line and move on. GAH!

Here's another thing that bothers me. itunes. Not the program itself (I actually approve itunes over most other music players), but itunes store. The itunes store gives you the option of downloading only one song on the album. I know this saves you avid radio listeners a lot of money, but the thing that sucks about that is that the bands who recorded that full length album really want you to pay for that full length album. Not just one song. Bands record full length albums because they want you to listen to ALL of their songs. You know, most times (if the album is good), the so called "single" isn't the best song on the album. But whatever, right? You just want to listen to whatever's on the radio on your ipod. It's you radio enthusiasts who are making bands lose their money. Do you ever wonder why bands don't tour as often? It's because they aren't making the money to support their tours. (Can this also be the reason why concerts are overpriced? Nah, it's gotta be the illegal downloading.)

Can you feel the sunshine? (9/90)

Uh. Fuck. This is just one of those days where I don't feel like writing anything. I obviously can't say much either because I spent the majority of my day playing Disgaea. But I have to do this. I have to keep updating. I can't stop now. I'm only on number 9. INSPIRATION! Come to me! HUUUURRRRRRRRRR! o_o

DX I feel indifferent! I guess I can summarize what I did today. I had three classes: Japanese, Art History, and Intro to Social Media. The first two weren't all that interesting, but Social Media was (seriously, when is that class not boring). Our professor, the Brad King (he's awesome, take one of his classes O_O) brought his camera to class to film us as we introduced ourselves to the internet. As he called on people to go up and sit on the "chair," my heart was pumping because I didn't feel up to being filmed. To my surprise, I don't think I did as bad as I thought. There were no nervous jutters or breaks during my speaking. Plus the Brad didn't criticize me like he did with some of the other students. I'm currently, impatiently waiting for him to post the videos onto youtube. FFFFFFFFFFF!

The only other thing that happened today (self time doesn't count anymore) is the Club Japan meeting. Uh. I don't think I've mentioned Club Japan in this blog yet. Club Japan is a club that meets every Wednesday; what happens in that club is that people present some material referring to japanese culture or talk about generalizations people make about Japan (and how a lot of it is, in fact, true). The presentations are usually done in a powerpoint-type presentation (due to the size of the club).

Well, today Club Japan decided to watch a movie since it was the week before Spring Break and most people didn't show up because they were studying for mid-terms. We watched Lupin the Third: Castle of Cagliostro. I was surprised of the quality of the movie. Being released in 1979 and all, I really felt like there was a lot of time and effort spent into making the animation for it as well as the interesting advancement of the plot. I'm not going to spoil anything for ya so that's enough of that.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Spring Break Plans (8/90)

Some of my friends were talking about how they were planning on coming back early from Spring Break to stay at our house in Muncie for the last few days and party (I'm assuming :3). I'm tempted to do so as well, but to be honest, I've missed my family and haven't seen them since they came down for my birthday. I guess I can consider myself lucky because I actually have a family that I can get along with. What's more is that I do in fact have plans to get some things finished which would not get done if I stayed here in Muncie. I'm sorry guys, I'll make it up to ya by letting some of you stay in my room. :D

What am I doing during Spring Break you may ask? Well, one thing is for sure: I'm going to construct a 2000+ piece lego model that I ordered on with my brother. It's gonna be awesome! After that, I'm going to have to create some architectural lego models to use to promote my website. That also reminds me.... I'm going to have to do a video introduction as well D: I'm not very good on camera at all. But if it gets my website going, then I'm willing to do anything (almost anything). That's all I really have planned. I may go to a LAN party since my cousin likes to do those when I'm around.

ALSO! For those who are willing to donate their spare legos to me, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm serious in getting this website (which is going to be dedicated to lego architects) going. The website is part of a class and I could apply the website to my intended major, Architecture. Thanks in advance and I hope you guys have an unforgettable Spring Break!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Let's take a break from studying :3 (7/90)

Well here I am. In the library. Studying for my Japanese Midterm (ちゅうかんしけん). There is a tense struggle within myself. A part of me wants to fall asleep and the other part wants me to study hard and ace this test. Which side do I give into? What are the consequences for each side? Why am I taking time off from studying to write in this blog?

Better now than later, I guess. I figure I'm gonna have to make a post tonight anyways, so why not do it when my mind is starting to wander off?

Three awesome things happened today. And two of those awesome things happened to my friend, Lou. Lou and I went to the mall this afternoon. Our initial goal was to get him to his Pokemon event. I don't know if you already know, but my friend Lou is a big fan of the Pokemon games so going to an event is a big deal for him. The event we went to was a wifi event that let's you get a special Jirachi. Besides Jirachi being a legendary Pokemon, the Jirachi is supposed to let you unlock something in the upcoming Pokemon games which are being released later this month.

After the event at Gamestop, we headed over to Hot Topic because I had a $5 discount and I wanted to buy something there. After what seemed like almost 30 minutes, I finally decided that I should get some pants. It has come to my attention that I do, in fact, need new pants. Ever since I started college, my waist sized has dropped almost four sizes. D: It sucks because wearing belts has become a crucial element for not letting my pants fall off. People tell me that I need to start gaining weight, and believe me, I want to, but it's not happening.

So yeah, after obtaining the pair of jeans, Lou and I headed over to Dave's video (which lies across the street from the mall) and had many nostalgia moments. Dave's video store is basically a Goodwill for video games, DVDs, CDs, and some old hardware. My friend Lou found this game that he's been wanting for a very long time and bought it for around $7 (if I remember correctly). As for me, I was going to buy either God of War or FF7:Crisis Core for the PSP because they were $15 each, but I didn't due to the fact that I couldn't make up my mind. So I'll wait for now.....

So what do you guys think? God of War or Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core?