Sunday, May 30, 2010

Luis's Graduation Party (91)

Yesterday, I went to my cousin Luis's Graduation Party. Actually, that's the whole reason I came back to Elkhart for a weekend. So that I could congratulate the dude who is going to graduate in June 6th. Congratulations, Luis Stephen Pineda!

Uh. Oh yeah, onto the party.... I imagined it would be a lot more... uh... lively. But whatever. There were tacos! Fuck yeah! For some reason, there aren't any good places in Muncie that serve good tacos, so I'm always sad. But then again, there's always the better subway alternative, The Pita Pit. At the party, I some familiar folks as well as my family once again. It was weird being back. I felt alienated from everyone else. It was that weird feeling of "hey, long time no see." But then again, there were little to no activities at the party which was unfitting considering that most of the people there were gamers and taggers so what was there to do besides converse? 

I spent most of my time hanging around Jacob who probably also felt unfitting because he's been away in college for almost a year now. We both talked about our college experiences which were very different. He goes to a business college in Fort Wayne while I go to a university in Muncie. His classes are like high school while mine vary. After the party, he showed me two of his swords (one of them was almost as tall as me O_O).

The real party started when Luis finally decided to bring his Xbox so that us minions could kill each other in FPS games. Board games!? Who needs those, lol. 

After a couple of "pew pews" later, it somehow turned late really fast and the party was over. Time to go home. Blah. I talked to Luis for a while in the car about a video game I'm playing as a beta tester, one character in particular (because I found him to be very hilarious). I was kind of shocked that Luis has never played a Dating Sim before. Actually, now that I think about it, I'm probably the only guy in my family as well as my circle of guy friends from college who have ever played a dating sim. Damnit.

P.S. Click on those links for inside jokes.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

All out of bubble gum (90/90)

This post marks the last post of the "90 posts in 90 days writer's challenge." The title of this post is "All out of bubble gum" because this post is supposed to represent the "becoming of a whole" of this entire blog. I do plan on continuing this blog as a means of writing about personal matters since I have become aware of its importance. These past three months have been a very interesting experience.

I used my first post to reflect on how my writing has changed since the first day of the writer's challenge. Unlike my previous posts, my first post was really long. Probably because I had so much to talk about at the time. I was so much more personal back then. I described almost everything that happened during the day. But then after I started becoming aware as to who was reading my blog, I started leaving things out. Stuff that I didn't want the public to know to a full extent. I think that was one of my first weaknesses as a transitioned from a semi private based blogger to a I'm going to share this with my followers on Facebook and Twitter.

Before I go anywhere else with this post, I'd like to thank my fellow bloggers especially Sam and Kyle who inspired me to start this challenge. To be honest, a big part of what kept me going was knowing that you guys were there sharing the same obligations as I did. I think our writing styles influenced each other as well. I could sort of see that with the length of our entries at one point, but then we started going off different tangents, it seems. I think a big part of that had to do with the fact that we just didn't have time hang out quite as often toward the end of the schoolyear and the fact that our summers are completely different from each other's. A question for Sam and Kyle. How do you think our blogs compare and contrast? A question for the people. How would you go about writing your personal blog?

Above, I mentioned how I have become aware of this blog's importance in my life. The importance of this blog comes from giving me a chance to reflect and write about my experiences every day. To know that there was at least a little meaning behind every day has allowed me to have a more optimistic outlook on life. There were a few instances where I wanted to write something dreadful, something I would regret later on, but I didn't. I remember initially starting the blog saying to myself that I would not regret anything I posted. And I'm glad it stayed that way.

Now without further ado, I'd like to end the 90 in 90 saying, "I've came to kick ass and chew bubble gum... and now I'm all out of bubble gum."

Gamer Day :D (89/90)

Lou and Ricky finally moved in to White Mesa today. They were supposed to move in yesterday (Friday), but I don't know what happened. Oh well, yFriday was horrible. After my parents left, I went back to sleep and ended up waking up at 10pm. Then we decided to play Crystal Chronicles again. This time, we played until 5am. Let the weekend begin!

Saturday started out with me waking up, walking into the living room and looked through my email. Okashi studios replied to my questionnaire saying they were interested in holding a one on one conversation with me to clear up any questions I may have. I'm scheduled sometime this week so I'm pretty nervous. Oh, and during the time I was spending checking my email, Ricky and Lou came busting in through our back door carrying their luggage. Finally. Now we have a full house.

After about 5 o'clock, I went to the library to meet up with Tyler so that he could come over to the house to hang out with us. It turned out to be really fun since my friends decided to huddle around as I attempted to get through the last part of Metal Gear Solid 2. I started playing at the part where Raiden had to get past these ninjas without being seen while being completely naked. The Colonel kept constantly calling saying really random things like making references to previous Metal Gear games. Then, after Solid Snake gave Raiden his clothes back, he explains that the Colonel is a figment of Raiden's imagination. Oh, and for whatever reason, Snake gives Raiden infinite ammo so that they could take down the army of ninjas. I would have gunned them down with Snake, but Raiden got this really cool sword made of science. So I had Raiden kick the ninjas asses with the sword...... made of science. Then Raiden took down some mecha using a rocket launcher and defeated a pirate/clone/cyborg/ninja/ex president/terrorist/tentacle weilding super soldier using the freaking awesome SCIENCE SWORD. Or at least that's what I'm calling it. Then, Snake told us (the players) how to live our life. What. The. Hell....

By the end of the day, we found ourselves playing Crystal Chronicles again (damn, I'm probably going to get sick of that game by the end of the summer). I'm not going to get into details about this game like I did with Metal Gear Solid 2, but I will say that my dad (in Crystal Chronicles) is pretty much the most hated person in his village right now. He's supposed to be the blacksmith of the village, but sucks really hard at being one. Also, we've caught him casually hanging around other places not doing anything useful. Damnit pops.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

K, thanks bye! (88/90)

I can't believe I pulled my first all-nighter on my first week of Summer school. Here's to a good night's sleep tonight!

So my parents came over unexpectedly today. Normally, I wouldn't mind. No wait. I take that back. I totally mind. Being a college student and all, I consider myself to be a very busy individual. The very fact that someone would call me up and tell me to take some of my personal time away to hang out or do something kind of annoys me. Especially if I happen to be asleep at the time. I don't mean to hate on people. I do like hanging out and doing stuff, but I need my own personal time as well. Today, for example, my parents called me while I was trying to nap because of the all-nighter I pulled last night. If this was any normal situation, I would have ignored them or told them to stop bothering me, but seeing as they live three hours away and that they just went to the hospital to have little David get a check-up, I had to make an exception. 

I had a lot of fun with my parents. Not something I'd brag about though, considering it's just time spent with my parents so all we did was mostly talk about family issues and other personal stuff. I have to admit that my functionality around them was a little... uh... slow because I was very tired. But all in all, we had a good talk. I showed my little brother David my Yui Hirasawa plush toy. He really liked her a lot for some reason. I guess he has good tastes. David's such a silly kid.

My parents took me to Marsh because I told them I was low on food. That was convenient for me. I was going to go tomorrow, but I guess I got that out of the way. They also bought me pizza from Little Caesars. If you go there, definitely go for the deep dish. It's better.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Nobody likes an angry Angelina (87/90)

Title not important XD

I can't believe I only have 3 more blog entries to go. It seems like this week is going by so fast. This is my first time ever in my history of being a student taking summer classes. I had no idea how rushed summer classes are. I sort of regret signing up for these three summer session 1 classes. Over the past three days, I have had little time to relax. All of this schoolwork is coming right at me at supersonic speeds. And even with all of this schoolwork taking up most of my time, I still have to write on this blog everyday. I'm almost there. There's no point in giving up now.

I guess this is just another one of those "This is what happened today" posts since I have no time to search for stuff relevant to my personal interests. I still need to catch up on the Nostalgia critic's new videos, the Team Fortress 2 blog, Durarara!, play through Mother 3, read A Clockwork Orange, read the stack of manga I bought at Acen (around $100 worth), maybe even start Disgaea again. Hell, I still need to do my laundry! You see? I have so much other stuff I'd rather be doing than homework. But all in all, I still like my classes.

The only super interesting thing that happened today was that I got an email from Okashi studios asking me to fill out a questionnaire so that they can decide who gets to play the beta version of a Dating Sim game called Shira-Oka (I'm sure Evie got hers too). I'm super excited to play this game. I don't play dating simulators often, but I do like them and being able to contribute to a (hopefully) good one is a blessing. I've never beta tested before, but I'm sure they'll give me some instructions on what needs to be done. Here's hoping that they'll accept me :)

P.S. This isn't really important, but James asked me to practice some techniques in Brawl today. Being a Wolf player, he said he wanted to perfect Wolf's B forward cancel. Apparently, from what he read, when you cancel any of the Fox characters' B forward moves, they get to keep their momentum after the move is over which allows you to get a farther distance if you do it right. Also, by cancelling the B forward move, you get less lag when you land. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this, but I guess some of my friends aim to be tournament players in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I guess I could join them considering the fact that I'm just as good at the game as they are XD

Self Conscious? (86/90)

(FYI, we didn't pay the internet bill so we have no internet at home anymore so I went to the MT cup to do write some responses for my Social Media class before getting to work on the blog. I ended up getting kicked out of the MT cup because they had to close. Unfortunately, I did not have time to post the blog before getting kicked out and I didn't want to go to the library so late at night. Hence, I was unable to post yesterday.)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Laundry and video games (85/90)

Today was pretty much meaningless. Immediately after I came home from my classes, I took a 3 hour nap. After the nap, I was about to do my laundry considering that I only have a couple of clean clothes left in my closet. When I went to the basement with my clothes to insert them into the washer, I looked in and sure enough, Eric's clothes were in the washer. He also had wet clothes laying in the dryer. I took the liberty of setting up the dryer for him in hopes that he would come get his clothes later. But he didn't. So now I have to start nagging him. I'm kind of annoyed at Eric now. Also, I saw his clothes lying around in the living room yesterday which didn't piss me off, but the fact that he would leave his dirty laundry in the middle of the living room on the floor for no apparent reason makes me think that he's not applying himself to taking much responsibility in taking care of the house. I'm afraid that he's going to be a bad example when Ricky and Lou move in in a couple of days.

The only thing that I would call an accomplishment today was that James and Eric made me play Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles on the gamecube. As I write right now, the only one left playing is James. Single player this game looks horrible and repetitive, but the multi player aspect of this game is really fun if you are playing with close friends. Cooperation isn't really necessary to my disbelief, however, it helps a lot. Especially when you want to pull off some pretty powerful spells and combos. I think we put in 4 hours into Crystal Chronicles today which got us pretty far. There was a part where both Eric and James got their characters killed and my character was the only one remaining. In order to get through the dungeon, I had to be very careful and attack enemies while dodging as many hits as possible. I only had 5 hearts so it was pretty easy to die when you had to face multiple enemies at once. It was a very suspenseful dungeon until I got the stone of life which let me revive my fallen comrades. Then we proceeded to rape the boss.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Home Sweet Home (84/90)

Wow, I can't believe how much I've missed White Mesa, our college house in Muncie. Even though I was away for a whole week and I did not say when I would be back, I felt very welcome by my friends here at White Mesa when I came back. 

I stayed at my friend Lou's house for a week in New Lenox, Illinois so that I could go to Acen with some college friends from both Ball State and New Lenox (whom until then, have only met through skype).Lou's family was great and all, but I just couldn't live in their house. They had two cats living at their house and I'm allergic to cats. What's also funny is that Lou's family is also allergic to cats so we all had to huddle around the tissue box sometimes. My main problem being at Lou's house was the horrible chest coughing I had probably due to how unclean the house was. There was so much dust everywhere. Lou's mom had to buy me an inhaler so that I could breathe because I kept having asthma attacks. I don't want to complain too much since this was mostly my fault anyway. I made a poor habit of eating unhealthy food that whole week because I felt obligated to eat the same food Lou's family did. (chips and a cheese and ham sandwich everyday along with soda). 

I should write about Sam and Judy (Lou's sister and mom) here, but I told them I wouldn't publicize them as they saw me writing my blog while I was staying at their house XD. They were very nice to me even though they thought I was awkward and hard to converse with. Or maybe it was the other way around o_O

Well, anyway you probably know what I did the first day back at White Mesa. Sleep. This weekend was so crazy and my body should have given out many times, especially after I was sick for a whole week. Despite my coughing and sweating and the outside cold and the unknown contact with many people who probably didn't shower for a few days, I held strong. Now that I'm at White Mesa, I can rest on my very own bed (and not on a couch) so that I can recover from my illnesses. 

Here's to White Mesa!

Day 3 of Acen/ back to White Mesa (83/90)

Blah. After I met Doug Walker and Scott Ramsoomair, I tried to go back to my room to leave my stuff there so that I could do some more awesome stuff, but something shitty happened. The rest of my roommates left to go to Mitsuwa without me. Those bastards! Oh well, at least something good came out of it. 1) I didn't spend more money 2) I got to hang out with Evie and her roomies. It was a pleasant experience and probably lead to more interesting things later that evening..

Like the rave! Again, there was a rave tonight. This time, I had a group of friends who tagged along which included: Evie, Jim, JP, and James. The rave was at a different place too! The place was bigger and there were way too many people there to begin with, but I think that made the rave a lot more enjoyable. There were so many freaks in costumes and glow sticks dancing around like maniacs that we were like "Meh, what the hell... PARTY TIME!!!" The rave on Saturday (technically Sunday since it was after midnight) was probably the most enjoyable experience of the convention. Two hours full of laughter, dancing, and head banging to .... uh... rave music.

Ugh. We are all sweaty now......

Sunday afternoon

Sleep, check out, lunch, and now JP and I are on our way back to Muncie where we will be spending most of our summer since we decided to attend Summer school.

Tomorrow will be an interesting day.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 2 of Acen (82/90)

Oh man, I feel a need to write down what happened yesterday after I "faded out." The reason for the "fade out" was that I did not want to explain what happened after the concert. To be honest, all of the details are fuzzy. I have no idea what the hell happened.

After the concert, I attended a specialty showing known as "Anime Hell." The show was really interesting at first, but after my attention span gave out, Anime Hell turned out to be a mindfuck. It was literally 2 hours of my brain rotting.

After Anime Hell, I went to a rave party for a bit, which was really fun, but I felt really awkward dancing to rave music. I don't really listen to techno much. The snake run (people jumping while following another person by holding on to their shoulders. idk, that's the best explanation I could come up with) was the best part for me.

At around 2am, I went to the Yuri panel a little ways away from the hotel. All I remember was that we learned what not to put into a woman's vagina and how unrealistic Yuri is as portrayed on the internet.

Day 2 of Acen

Okay, onto what happened today (Saturday) at Acen. At around 10am, I went to back to the same room where we had the Yuri panel to watch another panel that taught people how to go about creating an anime and publishing it on the web. The producers of Press Start Adventures gave us a lot of tips like what programs they recommend, equipment, and hot to promote, collaborate, and establish your anime on the web. I felt that they did the best job out of all of the panels I've been to so far.

At around noon, I hit the main place where they have all of the vendors to buy the rest of the merchandise for the trip. I found some good deals on manga, figurines, and posters. I probably spent over a hundred dollars, but it was totally worth it. Just when I was about finished with my shopping, I saw the Nostalgia Critic setting up a booth. I literally gasped out loud as I walked up slowly toward the booth. Unfortunately for me, the place was packed so it would be an hour and a half before I would meet the marvelous person known as Doug Walker.

When I did get up to meeting Doug, I had him sign my Kirby poster which I had bought from the VG Cats booth (yeah, I met Scott too). Both Scott and Doug were really nice. I couldn't believe how easy they were to talk to. I also took a picture with Doug Walker for proof. (inb4 pics or it didn't happen)

Day 1 of Acen (81/90)

Aww, crap. I had no idea I wouldn't have access to internet while being here for Acen this weekend. The idea was Hotel = free wifi, but it turns out we have to pay an additional fee to use the internet. A load of bollocks if you ask me.

Because of this little predicament, I have decided to handwrite these entries before posting them all at once.

Alrighty, Day 1 of Acen.

I went to see Aural Vampire with Evie which turned out to be more enjoyable than I had anticipated. My original plan was to go back to my hotel room to take a much needed nap, but I said "What the hell," and went to the concert since I was conveniently there at the time anyways.

W00t!! The show was incredible! I want to thank that catgirl who danced in front of me. She made all the difference XDD!

And here is where I fade out...... for now....

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Our little trip to Chicago (80/90)

The trip to Chicago wasn't all that bad. It was full of hilarity with my friends Lou and Sam. The train ride was kind of long though. Good thing we had some distractions on the way to and from Chicago. On the way to Chicago, we met these homeless guys who wish to remain anonymous XD. On the way back, we each read some novels that we had bought in Chicago.

Once the train arrived in Chicago, we purposefully got separated from the homeless guys. Not that we didn't think they were annoying guys. It's just that we didn't want the attention they were giving us on the train throughout our "Chicago experience." Actually, they turned out to be really cool. On the train, one of them showed us his tobacco bag and the other one talked about 4chan. They also told us they made their living travelling from place to place and (I guess) trading goods with hippies. Heh, so after we got separated from them, we tried to go to our destination which was.... we didn't know yet. We spent a good half hour  walking around aimlessly until we decided that it was time to eat. We stopped by this Mexican Grill called Chipotle which served generic Mexican food like tacos, burritos, and salads. After eating we err I decided that we should go to American Apparel. Too bad we didn't know where it was. 

Doh. I guess we should have looked up the location because we never ended up finding one. Oh well, at least we managed to hit up a Borders in which we spent a large amount of time looking at books and yes, we bought some. I bought A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess and The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards. Two good books, I hope. It's always a mystery when it comes to books.

We ended up going to H&M instead of American Apparel because Sam thought it was a good idea. Heck, I was kind of surprised. Seriously. I did not expect a clothing store to have such low prices. Most clothing stores, in my opinion, are way overpriced and the quality of the material isn't usually very good. But at H&M, I was able to find some stuff I found appealing and I look forward to wearing the clothes I bought there, especially that sweater which turned out to be a perfect fit.

After clothes shopping, we headed back to the Lasalle train station so that we could go back to New Lenox. To our disappointment, we got lost on the way back (insert fail noise). We may have spent a good half hour finding our way back, but at least we got there just in time for the train to depart from Chicago.

For some reason, on the way back from Chicago, I started getting a headache. I don't know why, maybe it was just a long day for me. I started getting depressed for whatever reason. I kind of felt like I was demoralizing the group after that, but maybe they didn't notice.

Comic book rant? (79/90)

Matt, Lou, and I decided to hit up the library in New Lenox. Kind of a spontaneous decision on our part considering we only hinted about going there yesterday, but it somehow happened. We saw the homeless guy at the library again. Oh? I didn't mention him before? Well. On the day when we went to see Kick Ass (Mother's day), Lou and I had an hour to spare before the movie started so we thought that it would be a good idea to spend the hour at the library, but to our disappointment, the library was closed. And there is where we saw the homeless man (or at least we think he's homeless) sitting in front of the library with his netbook using the library's internet and power outlet. Weird, huh?

Anyways, Matt, Lou, and I went to the library today at around 1pm. Matt and Lou just sat around with their laptops playing indie games (like the ones I mentioned here while I read Batman: Under the Hood. The comic turned out to be really good. I really don't want to spoil, anything but what the hell. Spoiler Alert! Jason Todd comes back to life and becomes the new Red Hood! But yeah, if you know anything about the Batman comic book series, you might know that Batman has gone through multiple Robins with Jason Todd being the second Robin. Well, during one of the Batman story arcs, the Joker actually manages to kill Robin (Jason Todd). In the comic I read today, Batman: Under the Hood, Jason Todd gets resurrected to become Red Hood. How he comes back to life is not explained, but then again, Batman tries to find out how people can be brought back to life in the comic and fails (Damn plot holes). 

I'm not really a big comic book geek since I have very limited knowledge about comic books in general. In fact, most of the knowledge I do have from comic book heroes come from my friends talking about them. After reading this comic, I've realized how awesome and interesting Batman villains really are. All them are sinister devils who aren't afraid of killing people to get what they want. Heck, most of them are mentally insane. Scarecrow for example used to be a psychiatrist who specialized in the psychology of fear. As a villain, he uses various drugs and psychological tests on his enemies to exploit on their fears and/or phobias. Tell me that isn't insane. Or take the Joker as another example. Some people know the Joker to have no fear, whatsoever. And you know what? That is entirely true. There was an instance where Scarecrow uses a fear toxin (which exposes a person's greatest fear) on the Joker. Turns out, the toxin does not work on Joker meaning that the Joker has no sense of fear whatsoever. That's freaking insane!

Ha! Comic book rant.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Have a nice day (78/90)

Today was the opposite of yesterday. I did not awake to find a stranger looking at me. I did not go to interesting places. I did not watch any films. I did not sing along to a meme of a song. I did not pass go. I did not collect 200 dollars.

Instead, I stayed home and watched many videos on the internet. Oh the amazement of spending your whole day looking at your laptop computer screen surfing the web on your slow internet browsing speeds. I actually began to manage my time by loading a video before hand while I watched one that was already loaded (I don't know if that sentence confused you or not, but I don't care). I had no idea how much time you can use up just trying to catch up to the videos your subscribers had put up within the last week. Craaaaazy. I usually skip a lot of my subscription's videos on youtube, but since I had time today..... yeah, you guessed it. I watched every single one of them. Or at least everything that was added this past week.

I really need to mention this. Seven indie game developers have gotten together and have begun a charity event where they sell copies of their own games for any price you are willing to give them. Seriously. You can give them one penny if that's all you care to give them. But don't please. The Seven game developers worked hard on their games plus they are willing to split their earnings with charity. Here is the link if you are interested in this amazing deal/charity event.

Should I stop now? Yeah. I should stop now. Have a nice day, imaginary thoughts....

Aaaaand if you ask me how I'm feeeeling~ (77/90)

I woke up today at around 11am to find a stranger standing before me. Who is this person? Oh wait. It's Cory. Who is Cory? Huh. This was the first time I've seen him in person before, actually. Cory is a friend from New Lenox and is in my skype community of friends which we call "failchat." I'll tell you about it, but failchat is top secret and only a handful of people know of its existence (crap, I just said that out loud, didn't I).

To be honest, hanging out with Cory was pretty awkward. Lou was here too. We all just kind of did our own thing and were consumed in our own electronic devices. The only part about "hanging out" was the fact that our presence was there. The three of us waited until about 1pm for JP to come so that he could drive us to the movie theater where we would watch Iron Man 2.

The movie was meh. Too much emphasis on stuff that did not matter (Except that Tony Stark is a dick. That's always hilarious). The dialog was really good, though. I could not imagine a little kid watching this movie and understanding what the heck is going on. Thor, anyone?

After the movie, I convinced Matt to take me to the Mall in Orland, Illinois so that I could buy a wig for a costume I'm planning to put together. On the way to the mall, we got stuck in traffic so we decided to randomly blast Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up to get rid of our boredom. We both sung the song out loud too which increased the hilarity. At the mall, Matt and I found the complete opposite of what we were looking for. We found a Warhammer shop and a Lego shop (Our weaknesses!). We gave in to temptation and went inside the shops only to gnaw over the toys that were too pricey for us to consider getting. In the end, no wig and new Lego pieces for me. [saaaaad face]


Monday, May 10, 2010

What is a good day? (76/90)

Today started out horribly. I woke up with the worst headache I've had in ages and had a runny nose. I also could not keep my back in an upright position. I wanted to kill myself. I've never felt so sick in my life. I couldn't even breathe. So I spent all of my morning focusing on my survival....

Lou's mom told us (Lou and me) to go outside because obviously the problem with my breathing was that I was allergic to cats and that the house was very dusty/unclean. And what do you know, as soon as I stepped outside, I immediately felt a lot better and I found my breathing to be much easier. At first, we walked around aimlessly, taking pictures of random things like a fail swing and a caterpillar. But then we decided that going to the movie theater seemed like a good idea seeing as how we'll probably end up doing nothing if we went back to Lou's house. 

Lou and I made a voyage through the bike path and into a forest which then opened up our fated destination known as the movie theater. It was kind of spontaneous. As in we saw a small opening in the forest and came out of the opening only to find ourselves behind the movie theater. Cool, huh? (Actually, Lou knew where he was going)

We got there at the worst possible time (according to Lou) because the two movies he wanted to watch happened to be in our favor if we showed up 30 minutes before or an hour later. I took an interest in Nightmare on Elm Street, but Lou does not like scary movies so we decided to watch Kick-Ass which aired an hour later. During our "down time," Lou and I went around to see if the library was open. Library was closed. Damnit. So we went to McDonalds to see if there was something good on tv. Nope. Crap. We had one last resort, to go to Walgreens. Hyes! We found at least something to do. In the store, I remember Lou telling me how much he liked snickers ice cream. "This is GOD!" So then he ate it. XDDDD

Kick-Ass was a good movie. I did not expect it to be so hilarious yet so graphic (Let's ruin your childhood :D). I think this is the first movie with Nicholas Cage that I like now. In fact, his character made the most impact on me. I won't spoil anything in case you haven't watched the movie yet. I'll just leave this movie alone now.

Other than that, there is nothing more to say. As soon as I came home, I sat on my ass and browsed the web.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Move Out (75/90)

Today was the big move out. Louis, Matt, JP, James, and Sam were finally moving out of the dorms. I think they were the last out of my friends to do so. Lou, JP, and James decided to leave all of their stuff at my house (White Mesa) since they are staying over for the summer. 

Okay, ::narration mode::

I wake up. Cold. *Shivers* Look up. Oh. The window is open. The wind is blowing. Hard. Damnit. Why is the weather like this? I remember the day before was real nice. I even wore a shirt and shorts. Now, I'm wearing a coat and jeans. And I'm still shivering. After about an hour of struggling to keep myself warm in my friends couch, I give up and get the courage to get up and start moving. 

First things first, I guess. I walk out into the hallway to find myself being needed to lead JP's parents back to my house because they don't know where I live and obviously JP wants to move some stuff there. His parents are nice. I kind of felt awkward being with them in the car without JP, though. Since our ages were so different, we only maintain a short formal conversation before arriving at my home in Muncie (also known as White Mesa). Geez. I had no idea that JP was going all out and busting his bunk bed. I guess he really wants to reserve his space at my house. 

I wait. JP's parents leave. I go to my room in attempts to clean the room so that another roommate may move in later. When I come out I see that a newcomer has made his way to my house from New Lenox, Illinois. This person is Ricky. Ricky will also be staying at White Mesa during the summer, but he may or may not decide to attend school seeing as at the moment, he only seeks freedom from his parent's house in New Lenox. I hang out with him for a while before taking him out to lunch in the Student Center as an excuse to see Samantha Simmons for the last time before heading our separate ways for Summer vacation. She was the last of the girls I said bye to so I thought it was worth the trouble of having Lou's dad wait a little longer before taking me, Lou, and Ricky to New Lenox. 

And now, here I am. In New Lenox, Illinois. My opinion of New Lenox is that of a small suburb town almost uninfluenced by the busy, modern city that is Chicago. Since everyone else is asleep at the moment, I may as well hit the hay too. I've got another long day tomorrow.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Longest Day Evar!? (74/90)

I seriously thought this day would go on forever. I guess it's not all that surprising with all of this change going on. All of the students here at BSU are either packing or partying at the moment so there is so much going around all of the time.

I have to say that I am a little disappointed with my grades this semester. Usually, I am not the type of person to care about getting A's or B's, but I really wanted to get my GPA up to a 3.0. I found out that the College of Architecture likes students who have a 3.0 or higher and thus my chances of getting in will be better if I have a 3.0 or better. I'll be pissed if I don't get in this time. They say third time's the charm, but so far I haven't gotten any word if I got in or not which is weird because I signed up for the Summer Program.

My day started off at 5:30am. That's usually the time Eric goes to sleep! I had to get up that early because I signed up for a shift at 6am at the Comfort Zone in Woodworth. I figured I could work a lot today so I wouldn't have to worry about work when I had finals during the week. My last final was on Thursday, by the way. The students who worked in Woodworth were required to sign up for at least two shifts during Finals week.

I won't bore you with the details about what happened during work. All you have to know that the morning was boring and after lunch started, Woodworth was super busy. I was glad to leave when I did because I felt too overwhelmed with the pizzas. Anywho, the moment I got off of work, I had to go meet the girls: Marlee, Evie, and Amanda.

You know what's weird? I never intentionally aimed to hang out with them as often as I have for the past couple of weeks. It just kinda happened. But whatever. I'm not complaining :) Although, I am kind of sad that I don't get too see my other friends as often as I would like (Sam, Kyle, Matt, Lou, Jim, Steven, other Kyle, Joe, Mary,  James, Leslie, XD) Okay, I guess I do want more out of everyone. Too bad we are always so busy.

As promised, I took Evie, Amanda, Marlee, and even my bro Erick (not to be confused with Eric) to the Pita Pit for lunch. This was the first time the three girls went into the Pita Pit so I was excited for them. They had their first Pita on the last day of school. I really do hope that the Pita Pit doesn't close next year seeing as how the owner of the restaurant is apparently in a lot of debt. Well, we'll see what happens....

So.... Evie, Marlee, Amanda? How would you describe your first experience in the Pita Pit? Was it awesome? Was it interesting? What were your thoughts on my brother? (I know he seems weird at first....)

After we ate and said our farewells, I took my brother back to my house where my parents were waiting for us. The reason my parents came today was to fill out some paperwork for my FAFSA to get through so that I would have financial aid for the summer. The process didn't take long. All I had to do was put down some numbers in specific areas and then sign the paper before handing the paper over to the people in Lucina hall.

I spent the next several hours with my family going to various places like the mall, Dairy Queen, Deal$, and a random parking lot where we ate shrimp cocktail. I really enjoy time with my family. We are always so laid back when we are together. Totally different from my college lifestyle. Most of my time with them was spent conversing and playing with my DS in the car. Oh how I love Shrimp Cocktail!!!

My parents had to leave at around 8pm or else they wouldn't get home before midnight (they don't like staying up late). I asked them to drop me off at a friend's dorm because we had plans to play besm (a roleplaying game). This was the worst session ever, but probably my favorite one. I will spare the details and plainly say that all of our characters died. Mainly because the person running the game didn't like how our characters interacted with each other. After about 5-7 sessions of the besm, we finally came to the conclusion that we were going nowhere with the plot of the story. Haha! XDDDDD So now besm is cancelled until further notice (or until we get new characters and the person running it decides to create plot).

Following that horribleness, we sat down in the lounge at Botswin and watched King of Eden which is the movie that takes place after this awesome anime called Eden of the East. If you like anime and haven't watched this series, OMG watch it NAO!!!!!!! I mean seriously, you have nothing better to do over the summer anyways.

This concludes the Longest Day Evar. Actually, it's not over yet :P

Friday, May 7, 2010

For Real!? (73/90)

I'm watching a friend play Left 4 Dead 2 right now. I may join him in a bit seeing as how the Left 4 Dead series is one of my favorite games to play on the PC. I'm not really into realism, but Left 4 Dead gives me something that most other 1st person shooters don't. A reason to cooperate with my teammates. Valve does a good job with their 1st person shooters in my opinion. Especially their multiplayer games. In games like Left 4 Dead and Team Fortress 2, cooperating with your teammates is key to your success.

For instance, in Left 4 Dead,  Valve made the game impossible to play through the levels by yourself. If you get stranded from the rest of the group, you will most likely be killed. Seriously. The zombies in that game can fully incapacitate the survivors so fighting the zombies by yourself is completely insane. Every time a "special infected" attacks you and gets a hold of you, the odds are, you won't be able to defend yourself. Some of the special infected can keep you in their grasp until you die. Sucks doesn't it? Well, that's what teammates are for. You got zombies on your face? No problem. Your teammate will probably get that. Help, you've fallen and you can't get up? Well someone's gonna make you stand back up. You see where this is going, right?

Cooperation in video games is something that stands out for me when it comes to first person shooters or any multiplayer game. That is why I can't really get into video games like Call of Duty and Halo where almost no teamwork is required. Some people can probably argue, but in the end, the player who is better than everyone else always ends up on top. And I think that has become a common stereotype with gamers who do play 1st person shooters (thank you Halo/CoD [annoyedface.jpg] where you have some dicks attack less experienced players and forming elitist groups. Video games aren't supposed to be about being the best on your server. Video games are meant to be fun and interactive, not something that you get pissed off at.

That concludes today's blog. I have work tomorrow at 6am so ...... F#@&
I guess I'm not playing Left 4 Dead today :(

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Glares and stairs (72/90)

Today was.... well... kind of crappy. Most of today was spent studying alone in my room. The hard work is paying of though. I got an A on my Intro to Art exams which makes for a total of 2/3 of my finals being A's so far. Let's see how well I do on my CS104 Final. (crosses fingers)

I can't wait until I get finished with this blog. Only 18 more days! I'm already starting to get ideas on what I'm going to do when I finish the 90 posts. One idea I have is to go through all of my blog entries and handpick a couple of favorites to post on Twitter so that others can get a sense of what I like about my own writing. The reason for this is that when I read other people's blogs, I start to see what aspects of the person's writing kind of annoy me and what aspects interest me. I know that other people do this with my blog as well. It's called selective reading. Reading only what interests you. 

Another thing that's been on my mind lately: I want to start another blog centering around the idea of writing about progress I make with my own personal hobbies. I figure this will be a good way to keep track of the progress I've made as I start learning how to play an instrument. I'm not sure if I ever mentioned that I bought a bass guitar last summer. Well, I did. To my disappointment, as soon as the college year started up again I had to let the bass gather dust in my room seeing as I didn't really have the time to practice or even look at it (XD). I plan on picking it back up during the Summer. So look forward to that if I do decide to make that new blog.

As I say this... I realize that we still haven't started our Street Fighter blog. Brb. I have to go glare at James.

Texting is important (71/90)

Darn it. I'm going to have to keep this blog entry a little short today (I know, how disappointing) seeing as how I'm currently studying for a final exam I have in a couple of hours. At least this is a good excuse...... Well, not really, but better than others.

I want to say that I will write down what I did today in tomorrow's blog, but I probably won't want to anyways. Today was not awesome enough. I know tomorrow will be much better seeing as how I won't feel tied down and that I'll be done with my two important finals. I'll just recap real fast.

I woke up at noon today (yay sleep)

I talked to Jacob Wilcox on skype (I haven't talked to him in like forever)

I made two Bocca burgers.... yum

I made kanji flashcards. I'm currently studying with them.

I went to Wal-mart/Goodwill

I got to drink a new flavor of Mountain Dew. Hecks yeah!

I got Eric to leave the house and exercise. Huzzah!

I got a late-night breakfast with my friends: Marlee, Evie, Amanda, Leo, James, and Leslie.

I'm at the library writing this post.

Signing out now.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Magical Monday? (70/90)

Meh. Today is the Monday of the week of FINALS. What do you expect? Something interesting? Hm. Maybe. I thought today was different. I can call today another lazy day, but I actually did a few out of the ordinary things today. Read on if you like. You know, to find out about how my day was today.

This Monday started off as a disappointment, to be honest. I woke up, took a shower, got dressed, made breakfast, and showed up late for a final. Umm. Did we have a final today? I guess I will never know because I showed up and no one was in the classroom. And to think that I actually wanted to do my presentation at the time. I honestly did D;

After all the confusion and possibly anger, I decided to head to the library where I knew I would find Tyler and his little buddies. And sure enough, I did. Second floor of the library in the table across from the computers is where you'll find him. Tyler. Next year's Anime Club prez. LOL. I talked to him for a bit and he said that he was going to stay in the library for quite a while so I decided to go back home, grab candy, grab my laptop, and do quick poses in the mirror before heading back to the library to start my so called study session. After about two seconds of studying, I got bored. I mean, really that fast. Tyler was sitting there next to me playing a visual novel. He was laughing his ass off. I felt a little jealous so I popped out some manga I've had in my backpack and nerded out with him. That was fun.

Then, the cl0ck struck....(I don't remember) and Tyler had to go..... somewhere (I forgot). My only two options were: 1) go home or 2) go to Botswin (like I do most Mondays). I decided to go with the more interesting option and took my chances heading over to Botswin, home of... other nerds. Immediately after I arrived at Botswin, someone made me watch a review of a Batman comic that talked about how Bruce Wayne hated rock n roll. The review was so hilarious! My favorite line in that whole comic is "Punk is nothing but death... and crime... and the rage of a beast." AHAHAHA! Really Batman!? XDDDDD (sigh). The comic portrayed the music industry horribly. There was even a blonde Elvis. And a cheap reference to Black Sabbath :/

Can today get any worse? Mind you I'm supposed to be studying for my finals. But I'm not. I'm goofing off. What can I say? I'm prone to getting distracted by random things. Oooh. Example. Today I saw this dude. He was dancing around with his umbrella. He was around that area between Woodworth and DeHority Complex where the fishies are at. I thought he was dancing really well. Whoa. Seriously. And the amazing part was that the fountain with the fish had all of these soapy bubbles inside, so the dude started dancing and splashing the bubbles all around the place. I walked by that place after he raided it with his dancing skills and looked at all of the beautiful soapy bubbles that were floating in midair. (!@#&* I wish my camera was alive). I was listening to Belle & Sebastian's "Seeing Other People" by the way, just to add to the magic :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Stupid things (69/90)

Hmm.. I figured that I wouldn't have as much trouble getting my thoughts across on this blog by now. Yesterday's entry took nearly two hours to write. Who knows how long I'll be on this one. Writing has never been one of my strengths and probably never will be. But I'm making an effort everyday to write whatever's on my mind and to make progress. Even after my 90 posts, I think that I will keep this blog and continue to contribute onto it. That way, I will continue this learning process seeing as I feel I have much to gain from this experience.

Come to think of it, I've never been good at speaking either. Sometimes, I tend to look at people and find it amazing how effortlessly they can talk without pausing. That's always been one of my weaknesses. I would say one thing and then have to pause in order to get my thoughts straight so that I add onto what I was saying. I'm serious. Well, I guess this may be due to the fact that I never really communicated with others when I was younger. I remember that I used to try to talk with my classmates when I was in 3rd grade, but would always get ignored. Sometimes, my classmates would tell me to shut up because I would always talk about video games or cartoons that the other kids weren't interested in. At first, I thought it was just a joke, but then my classmates started shunning me so I took "shut up" as a literal context. And for the next several years, I would talk to no one. I still talked when I had to, but didn't openly talk with anyone at school whatsoever. There was an instance where my 6th grade teacher called on me to answer a question, but I would not answer. And so, I got detention for that. My 6th grade teacher was real mean too. I don't think she had another expression on her face other than "pissed-off mode."

This process of not talking with anyone carried over to high school too. My 10th grade English teacher thought I had problems because I always sat in the corner and put my head down when the other students conversed with each other. Now that I look back, yeah, I kinda did have a problem. I remembered that I didn't like any of my classmates from my high school. Everyone would always annoy me because they would talk about their boyfriends/girlfriends and how they liked sports which never interested me. Also, I was an honor student in high school and was the only minority in my classes. At first, I had the BoTD on them, but later found out that they were in fact racist towards Mexicans. (@#*&#@&#*@#)

Now that I'm in college, I don't face that problem. The being shunned and being with racist pricks problem. From day one, I made the decision that I would try to befriend people and become part of student organizations and go to as many events as I could. The complete opposite of my high school life XDD. I am glad though. College actually has other people that share my interests. The classmates from high school didn't. Not at all. Eww.

But now that I'm in college, I've become part of clubs such as: Club Japan, Japanese Animation Society, Comic Book Club, Urban Gaming League, Electronic Gaming League, Asian American Student Association, and other minor ones. I always look forward to events such as: local concerts, documentary films, Late Night, Role Playing with friends, and whatever else my friends and I decide to do. Sometimes we even do study sessions in the library.

Dang, this post took about an hour and a half. Gah!

Almost Useless.... (68/90)

There's this person who always annoys me. He has become the representation of my inner hatred. I hate this person more than anyone else in this world. Maybe because I know him too well. Maybe because I've been there when he has committed the most horrible acts. To others, he may seem like an okay guy, but I know those deep dark secrets he keeps. I know that because of him, my dreams, my aspirations, my goals get shot down constantly. His very existence makes my life a living hell. And yet, I can never seem to get away. Why? Because this person is me.

I-I had a breakdown today. Not because I was mad at someone or because I had a stressful day at work. I just happened to get pissed off at the fact that I could not get myself to do the project I wanted to do today. I could have done it, but I didn't feel like I was ready. I literally sat on my bed for hours thinking my plan over. I even decided that as long as I put some effort into it, that it would come out okay. But no, I didn't. Instead I didn't do anything. Instead, I had to get depressed over nothing. I depressed over something that couldn't happen. It was then that I started recalling previous failed events in my life that further enhanced my frustration. My frustration grew to a point where I was literally screaming and throwing my bedsheets across the room. I started banging my head into my pillow before dispersing my flames by crying into my pillow. Then I fell asleep. Luckily, no one else was in the house to see me experience this.

I may as well tell you this: I hate not being productive. I really do. Whenever I am kept against my will to stay put and not learn or get nothing done, I start to lose it. I see no point in wasting your life doing something that isn't going to have any significance whatsoever. And yet, there are times when I myself am the opposing force. I despise myself for being the abomination who has hindered the goals I have set out to do. My reaction to this? Take out my anger out on myself. Now you know why I do such things such as light myself on fire, hit my head up against the wall until I bleed, starve myself, constantly envision myself being tortured by someone or something, .... the list goes on.

I know that I'm at a point in my life where I should already be over this. Throwing fits is for pathetic, young whining children who can't take care of themselves. Yet, I still inhibit some of those characteristics. I have no idea on how I'm supposed to live my life. I have no clue what I'm doing wrong and what I'm doing right. I only see myself and the fact that I seem to have too many faults. 

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Famous Friday before FINALS (67/90)

W00t! The JAS (Japanese Animation Society) End-of-The-Year BBQ was a huge success. I bet this night left a huge impression on everyone that showed up. There was too much mayhem. If only I can put the madness into words...

The JAS (Japanese Animation Society) End-of-The-Year BBQ was hosted at my house. And let me tell ya, hosting the BBQ was a lot more work than I had initially planned. Too many people showed up. My attention was being constantly needed and I had to be everywhere at once. I would say that I felt awesome being the charismatic dude that talked with everyone as I had felt obligated to do so since many were unfamiliar with me and that they were the onces who came to my house. But I felt like I missed out on a lot that happened because I was really busy for most of the BBQ cooking food, showing people around the house, and having people ask me too many questions (like where the bathroom was T__T).

Once I got settled down and started enjoying the party, I felt a lot better. I kept constantly eating food. I was a total pig at my own party XD. But to be fair, I did use up most of the energy. I finally got to play Scrabble, a game I've had for months but have never had the chance to play. I also showed Kyle my Lego collection which really got him excited. I may have gotten myself a new contributor for my website this summer. The party is still going and still pretty lively even though we are down to 6 people. I decided to do the blog right now in case I forget with all the fun I'm having. I'll have to make sure I wake up early tomorrow too, as I have work in the morning, but I don't think that will be a problem.